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In Talks With... we aim to break down the world’s most pressing problems in a way that is interesting, exciting, and easy to understand.

Our podcast hosts, Emil Ekvardt and Spirit Rosenberg, talk with organizations and experts dedicated to doing good in the world. Together, they shed light on some incredible work being done globally.

Jul 28, 2022

Pet medical care costs are growing exponentially by the year. Some costs, such as pet cancer treatment, are so big that pet owners are finding it difficult to seek veterinary assistance. But each companion's life is important. So one way for pet owners to look after the lives of their pets is to seek financial...

Jul 27, 2022

Animal cruelty isn't anything new. What's even more damning is that the very farm animals we eat are treated horribly. Each year, farm animal abuse goes to a new height. The supply and demand of meat mean farmers treat animals in the worst possible ways. Farm animal abuse has been the status quo for decades. Animal...

Jul 26, 2022

The snow leopard is native to Central Asia. Although wild snow leopards aren't endangered, they are at risk of becoming endangered. Snow leopards share a habitat with humans. Herder communities regularly get in contact with this beautiful creature. Unfortunately, they tend to attack herds and their animals. So herder...

Jul 25, 2022

There are more than 44,000 stray dogs roaming the streets of Los Angeles county. The humane need to find shelter for these dogs and other animals falls on the shoulders of many Los Angeles animal shelters. But these foundations are facing an untold number of issues. From protecting abused animals to finding foster...

Jul 22, 2022

Cheetahs are wonderful animals that hold the record for being the fastest land animal. However, they are a vulnerable species, and are victims to opportunism and lack of genetic diversity. Cheetah Conservation Fund saves cheetahs in the wild. Find out how the cheetahs can be saved with a little bit of your help.
